This report describes the efforts undertaken in the four pilot sites to organize these energy poverty mitigation measures. Per pilot, it gives an overview of the activities organized (description of activities and number of participants), the topics covered (content), the practical approach and methodology (invitation, location, format), and the insights gained through the organisation of the measures (standard evaluation form and additional reflections). As the pilot implementation is still ongoing, several pilots also included information on more energy poverty mitigation measures still planned in the coming months.
The four pilots succeeded in engaging a broader group of people living in the pilot site in activities that empower them in taking action on their energy consumption. The evaluation by the participants has generally been (very) positive as the activities provided hands-on and tailor made information that have the potential of immediately positively impacting their energy consumption and, equally, their financial situation.
Activities ranged from, for example, organizing interactive workshops on energy-related topics (UCSA), to door-to-door visits and the distribution of energy kits (Valencia), the development and dissemination of IT tools, economic and juridical models (Eeklo), to information sessions and stands (Rožnov). We hope this report inspires social energy players all over Europe to take accessible and impactful action on energy poverty in their territory.