Webinar: Launch of the Covenant of Mayors – Europe pillar on energy poverty

Covenant of Mayors Webinar
Launch of the Covenant of Mayors – Europe pillar on energy poverty

Local authorities play a key role in creating a supportive framework for tackling energy poverty at the local level. Upon signing the Covenant of Mayors initiative, European municipalities commit to tackling energy poverty as one key action to ensure a just transition. The Covenant of Mayors Office Europe – in collaboration with the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH) – provides guidance to signatories on how they can alleviate energy poverty at the local level and help them reach their energy poverty goals.

This webinar will present the energy poverty pillar of the Covenant of Mayors in Europe and describe the support available for CoM signatories for diagnosing, planning and implementing and monitoring and reporting actions to tackle energy poverty. It will feature two examples from EU signatories to explore how energy poverty is addressed on the ground. Participants will be invited to discuss concrete challenges and possible solutions.

Objectives of the webinar:

  • Present the energy poverty pillar of the CoM-Europe reporting framework
  • Present the support available to CoM signatories
  • Show different approaches implemented by cities

Interested in this event? Find out more about the agenda here
Register for the webinar here!
